Rad Reading – January

This month I read From A Whisper To A Rallying Cry by Paula Yoo. It is a book about a boy finding out about his moms old fiancé and how he died. The man’s name was Vincent Chin, and he was killed by 2 men. They got a very easy off sentence and people were angry. The Asian community tried to get them a worse sentence. I can’t explain the rest without spoiling the story. I really liked the story being told in the book and all the characters are well thought out.

My favorite character was Jarod because he was very curious and shy like me. One of Jarod’s character traits is that he’s curious. One quote that proves this is, “How deeply intertwined was Vincent Chin with Jarod’s family. This shows he’s curious because he really wants to know why Vincent Chin was so close to his family. My favorite line from the book is, “Vincent moaned. As Choi gently cradled his friend in his arms, Vincent’s last words before slipping forever into unconsciousness were, ‘It’s not fair’”. This is my favorite quote because it shows how much Choi cared about Vincent and how sad he was. It was also my favorite quote because it has the last words Vincent would ever say and those words were very important.

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